Date coding is a very important element for all products, especially food and drinks. It is not only important because it provides clarity to a product and its manufacture date, but it also provides the correct information regarding the product’s expiration date. Properly and efficiently sharing this information is crucial for all food and beverage businesses to provide safety and security to their consumers.
If your beverage company is looking for better ways to date code products in the production line, today is your lucky day. Combining our products with these tips should ensure the date coding for your products is better than ever. For more insight on this topic, we have outlined several beverage bottling date coding practices. Reading this information and comparing it to your own production and bottling processes can help you identify areas in which you can improve or expand to increase the success of your overall product and business.
First, you want to make sure that the information you have provided regarding the product is correct so the consumer can access all the information they need. You should also make sure the information is correct to ensure you are following all regulations and protocols that have been set for your industry. Failing to identify the right information for your bottle coding will only cause additional problems while also wasting your time and money. Nobody wants that!
It might also be to your benefit to do all your research and create a solid inkjet coding information guide that all employees can reference. This way, everybody knows what information should be included in the inkjet bottle codes, which will allow more eyes to double-check the work and make sure it was done properly. It never hurts to ensure that everybody knows the right way to go about a task.
The type of bottle you use for your product will determine how you will go forward with printing your date codes. Identifying whether your bottle is glass or plastic and whether the date code is going to be printed on the bottle cap will make a difference in your printing procedures. For example, if your bottle is glass, you will need to make sure the date code is adheres well on the surface. If you will be printing the code on a bottle cap, you will still need to use a the right inkjet printing method, but you may also need a printer that can print smaller sized inkjet codes. For these reasons, it’s important that you always keep in mind that the material of the bottle matters.
You want to make sure to choose a printing process that will properly code your bottles according to your specific desires and needs. Not having the right equipment for this job can be very damaging to your product and business. Depending on the material of your bottle and what you will be printing, you will need to do your research to find the best coding and marking printers for the job. The right printer for the job will make all the difference!
You don’t want to go through all the work of organizing the right information, learning how to successfully print date codes on different bottle materials, and purchasing the best printer for the job only to still get a low-quality result. However, if you have successfully followed all the practices listed above, it should be difficult to achieve a low-quality result. Just make sure to educate yourself and know what you are doing regarding each step, so you do not overlook or forget anything.
Additionally, if you identify an error at any point in the process, make sure to fix it right away and do not overlook it. You should have a system in place for checking the date coding of the beverage bottles, so if you see a problem, make sure to stop it in its tracks before it becomes an ongoing issue. Even if you must take a few minutes to stop production, it will be better for your business in the long run. This brief downtime will allow you the opportunity to fix the problem, so you do not continue coding low-quality products.
What good would it be to go through all these steps and best practices to not even double-check the coding of the bottles at the end? That just seems silly! Though this does create an extra step in the process, it is a step that is crucial. After the process is finished, double-check to make sure you have included the correct information and that the code is of high quality. Not only does this step benefit your business by showing that you care about your customers, but it allows you to produce high-quality products as well.
If you have almost perfected these beverage bottling date coding practices within your business’s production line, you may be ready to take that step and purchase a piece of equipment that will make all the difference in your company’s processes. Lucky for you, we are here to make that step as easy as possible! The information above shows how important equipment is throughout the bottling coding process and how it can make or break the quality of the codes. Here at Sneed Coding Inc., we are ready to help you achieve high-quality beverage bottling codes while also taking care to #Keepcodingsimple.
Visit our website or call us today to speak with one of our professionals. Not only do we have numerous types of printers that you can cater to fit your exact needs, but we also have professionals who can help you identify exactly what you need from a printer! Even if you are a small business owner and your company does not need an industrial-sized printer, you can still find a printer that will work for you at Sneed Coding Inc. Give us a call today; we can help you get a few steps closer to perfecting your beverage bottling date coding.