
The Jets Work Hard and Play Hard, But How’d They Start?

Written by Alexa Marmolejo | Nov 16, 2022 9:26:17 PM

Here’s How Softball Has Helped These Up-and-Comers Strengthen Their Team on the Field and in the Office 


Who Are The Jets?

All work and no play can be draining, luckily our team members here at the office have found the perfect way to blow off some steam at the end of the week. So, how is it that the team decided on softball and not bowling, soccer, volleyball, flag football, paintball etc.? Well, the wheels started turning when Megan, our VP of Operations, mentioned her son’s baseball team; from there Daniel and Tyler figured, “why not start a softball team?” 

Before the team was officially formed though, there were a couple of bumps that we needed to get over first; for one, registration deadlines were set for that very week, and secondly we didn’t have enough players in the office. As you all can tell, we did manage to not only sign up on time, but also put a team together; we couldn’t have done it without our friends being so willing to play on such short notice. 

Just when we thought that things couldn't get any better, Bryan, the founder and owner of the company, decided that Sneed Coding Solutions would gladly sponsor the team; this was after Daniel and Tyler ran the idea by him of course. What better way to start on our softball endeavor than to have the CEO of the company himself be on board? Now we were truly off to the races; we had made the registration deadline; our team was finalized and our CEO was supporting us all the way through. 

So, where did the name “The Jets” come from? Well, if you’re familiar with our products, then not only do our SNEED-JET coders probably ring a few bells, but you can see where we took inspiration from. We might have also taken some inspiration from The New York Jets Football Team, with the exception that we’re sticking with our signature red color that you see all throughout our Sneed Coding Solutions site, equipment, etc.  

What Do Our Members Have to Say About Being on the Team? 

What is Your Role on The Team? 

  • Tyler is one of the most versatile members on the team and while his preferred position on the field might be shortstop, he’s the team’s primary pitcher. 

  • “I play the shortstop position; I like controlling the infield. In addition, I kind of help everyone out since we have so many new players.”

How Has the Team Improved?

  • According to our “dinger hitter” John, our team has improved the most in terms of communication. Let's be honest, players don’t typically get very far unless they learn how to play as a team and listen to each other. 

  • “Communication is better throughout the team; everyone's bats are moving; we’re starting to catch more and you can tell that people are starting to feel comfortable with where they are.”   

What has Been Your MVP Moment? 

  • Ken, our VP of Sales and Marketing, has definitely seen his fair share of losses and wins throughout both seasons, but his shining moment actually involves his younger brother Daniel. 

  • “It was definitely that one time I brought my baby brother, Daniel, home from base; he was on third base and all I heard was my mom telling me to bring him home, so I did.” 

Which Game Has Stood Out the Most? 

  • Emily, our order fulfillment associate, witnessed the conversation that brought the team into existence, so she’s definitely seen it all from the very beginning. With that being said, out of all of the games she’s been a part of so far, which one has been the most memorable? 

  • “The game that stood out the most was when we beat Big Stick Energy; everyone was just playing really well and we didn’t have any errors.”  

Who is the Team MVP?

While The Jets wouldn’t exist without each and everyone of our teammates, we think it’s safe to say that Tyler is our team’s MVP. Not only does he put his best foot forward out on the field, but he makes sure his teammates are getting better each and every game. Even though the majority of the team agrees that Tyler is the MVP, there always has to be that one person that objects and that would be John. If you haven’t checked out the video yet, we definitely recommend it; trust us, you won’t regret watching it. 

How Does Softball Help Strengthen Up Our Team?

There’s only so much you can get to know about your coworkers in the office, but when we all play out on that field, you get to really see everyone let loose, interact, and just have a good time. While others may just see us playing softball, we see the team building and strengthening; our improvement in communication and teamwork transpires farther than just on the field. 

Some of our newer team members, like Quinton and Alexa, have actually joined the softball team and we can confidently say that it’s helped them get to know the team better and settle in faster. Not only are we seeing improvement in communication, teamwork, and adaptability, but softball gives our members something else to look forward to besides just focusing on work 24/7. 

End of The Season Results 

For this only being the second season of The Jets playing amongst more experienced teams, we actually got a couple of wins under our belt; in fact during finals, we managed to beat The Hurricanes with the final score coming down to 11-10. While we might not have beat Yankdeez just yet, there’s always next season and we can guarantee you all that we’re only going up from here.