
New printer from Meenjet proves successful

Written by Charles Collins | Sep 9, 2019 2:11:00 PM


We launched the M6 Automatic earlier this summer

One of the great advantages of being a Master Distributor is our direct connection with the manufacturer. This allows us the ability to advocate on behalf of our customers and the market response we receive on products. The Meenjet M6 Automatic is a great example of this collaborative partnership we have with Meenjet.

Prior to this cooperative endeavor, Meenjet only offered the M6 inkjet printer as a handheld version. However, based on how popular the M6 Handheld coder was, and the frequent orders for its Inline Conversion Kit, we knew a fixed position version for conveyors would be a hit. The market was telling us there was a need for a low footprint, economical, efficient and reliable coding solution.

The Meenjet MX1 thermal inkjet coding printer is very successful for us, but there are times where space on a packaging line for extra equipment is at a premium. The M6 Automatic allows customers to minimize the overall footprint of the inkjet coding portion of their production process. Compared to other common technologies, such as continuous inkjet, the M6 Automatic only takes up a fraction of the space.

I’m excited to see the tremendous response to the launch of the M6 Automatic coding printer so far this summer! Customers continue to purchase and install a brand new M6 Automatic printer in lieu of an expensive service call for their traditional coders - the printer is often less than the service call! We receive terrific feedback from customers that give this new compact and affordable inkjet coder a try, and love it on a weekly, if not daily, basis! We even offer a 30 day performance guarantee, which allows them the peace of mind that if it doesn’t work for their needs they can send it back for a full refund.

Here's one of my favorite customer videos showing how they #KeepCodingSimple!