
Hanan Products Co. Hits the Sweet Spot with SNEED-JET® Inkjet Coders

Posted by Alexa Marmolejo on Oct 3, 2022 7:44:09 AM
Alexa Marmolejo
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Here’s How the SNEED-JET Freedom Thermal Inkjet Coder Can Help You

Does Hanan Products Ring a Bell? 

If you have a sweet tooth, then you might be very familiar with Hanan Products Co. because their specialty lies in whipped toppings, icings, and dessert fillings used by bakeries and food distributors around the world. The company was founded in 1946 by research chemist Stuart Hanan, who strongly believed that “Our Products Must Be Second to None;” it’s a principle that has been upheld by three generations of family management and 75 years of business.   

Just like Hanan Products aims to create value by producing the highest quality products, providing unmatched customer support, and utilizing efficient business practices; we strive to produce inkjet coding solutions that keep coding simple, provide exceptional customer support, and do our best to ensure that they’re the best fit for your business.      

What was Hanan Products struggling with before Sneed Coding Solutions? 

Before Hanan Products partnered up with Sneed Coding Solutions they were running multiple inkjet coding technologies to produce lot codes, batch codes, barcodes, etc. Imagine having to stop production because multiple inkjet coders aren’t functioning at full capacity, or because they’re in need of repairs, so now you’re stuck with having to wait for maintenance to come around. Not only was Hanan Products having to work with an inefficient and unreliable system, they were also having to deal with unnecessary production downtime and never ending maintenance costs. How exactly did Sneed Coding Solutions help simplify their existing marking and coding tech? 

How Did Sneed Coding Solutions Help Hanan Products 

Keep Coding Simple,” it’s what Sneed does best, especially when it comes to showing other businesses just how easy it is to upgrade and simplify their existing labeling tech. Ryan Hanan, COO of Hanan Products said, 

“The SNEED-JET Freedom printers consolidated our previous need for multiple printers into one; Sneed printers allowed us to print lot codes, expiration dates, barcodes and the labels produced on our cases were much cleaner looking.” 

In addition to replacing multiple printers and cleaning up the appearance of labels, Mr. Hanan also goes on to mention that, 

“the printers have not only made life easier for the employees, but costs have been significantly reduced by combining multiple printers into the single SNEED-JET Freedom thermal inkjet coder.”

Do You Need a SNEED-JET Freedom Thermal Inkjet Coder?

Maybe you’re still trying to decide whether or not SNEED-JET inkjet coders are for you, trust us there’s no rush, but take it from those who made the switch and have nothing but good things to say about these coders. 

Hanan Products made the switch and their COO goes on to say, 

“Overall, we’re extremely happy with the printers. It’s an added bonus that the customer service has been excellent in handling any additional questions that have come up; overall, we highly recommend them. 

If your customers are happy with the printer performance, customer service, and print quality, then must be reliable, right? According to Mr. Hanan, “the SNEED-JET Freedom thermal inkjet coders are extremely reliable; they almost never miss a print and they’re well over 99% accurate.” 


Are you tired of dealing with complicated marking and coding processes? 

Is outdated inkjet coding technology too unreliable?

Just like Hanan Products, Sneed believes that quality, innovation, and services are at the root of everything we do. 

Like always, we #KeepCodingSimple

Topics: Thermal inkjet, batch coding, Barcode, thermal inkjet coding, Success Story, SNEED-JET, Lot code, SNEED Coding Solutions, SNEED-JET Freedom, #KeepCodingSimple

Expand your coding and marking knowledge with us!

Do you struggle with constant coding and marking equipment failures? 

We will share information and success stories about how you can Keep Coding Simple in order to focus your energy and efforts on strategically growing your business. There will be insights from customers and industry experts on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your complex coding and marking challenges. 

Solutions and applications covered will include:

  • Primary package coding
  • Secondary package coding
  • Handheld coding solutions
  • Printer replacements
  • Porous material coding
  • Non porous material coding

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