
Are You Tired of Inconsistent & Inefficient Date Codes?

Posted by Alexa Marmolejo on Oct 14, 2022 9:07:14 AM

How SNEED Coding Solutions Helped Diller Locker Company Refine Their Product’s Packaging

What Does Diller Locker Company Specialize In? 

Diller Locker was established in 2015 and their mission has always been to “provide their customers with the highest quality processing possible, matched with exceptional service from pen to plate.” In May of 2019, C&C Processing was purchased and integrated into the company, which meant that productivity needed to grow just as fast as the company was doing so at. With Diller Locker priding themselves on keeping up-to-date on advancements in the industry, they knew that they had to do the same when it came to their labeling system as well. 

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Topics: lot coding, batch coding, thermal inkjet coding, Success Story, Expiration Date, SNEED-JET Titan T6 Handheld, manufacturing date, SNEED Coding Solutions

Expand your coding and marking knowledge with us!

Do you struggle with constant coding and marking equipment failures? 

We will share information and success stories about how you can Keep Coding Simple in order to focus your energy and efforts on strategically growing your business. There will be insights from customers and industry experts on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your complex coding and marking challenges. 

Solutions and applications covered will include:

  • Primary package coding
  • Secondary package coding
  • Handheld coding solutions
  • Printer replacements
  • Porous material coding
  • Non porous material coding

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