
Welcoming Our Newest Product Research & Sourcing Specialist

Posted by Alexa Marmolejo on Aug 30, 2023 8:12:23 AM

The Latest Addition to the Sneed Team is Sure to Grow Our Product Lines Beyond Belief  

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Topics: Thermal inkjet, continuous inkjet, SNEED-JET, SNEED Coding Solutions, #KeepCodingSimple, SNEED-PACK, Personal Company Best

Tech Titans in the Making: Growth Over The Last Couple of Months

Posted by Alexa Marmolejo on Jul 12, 2023 2:16:21 PM

Explore the Collaborative Efforts and Knowledge That Propelled Our Tech Service Team Forward

Behind the Scenes of Tech Services 

Here at Sneed, we’re known for providing exceptional customer support, but it wouldn’t be possible without each team member working as smoothly as they do. While on the surface, it may appear that technical services deals with only customer support calls and printer repairs, there’s more to this department than meets the eye. Before releasing any product to the market, our technical service team performs extensive quality assurance checks to ensure that each piece of equipment performs seamlessly. Not only does our tech team dedicate themselves to working out any kind of imperfections within our equipment, but it’s thanks to them that our help desk is as stacked with resources as it is. 

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Topics: Coding & Marking, thermal inkjet coding, SNEED-JET, SNEED Coding Solutions, #KeepCodingSimple, Personal Company Best

What Has Working at Sneed Taught The Rookies After 8 Months?

Posted by Alexa Marmolejo on May 30, 2023 9:54:55 AM

From Rookies to Rockstars: How Our Team Members Transformed in Just 8 Months

Believe it or not, the world of coding and marking is much more immersive than what meets the eye, but let’s face it, it seems that unless you’re a part of the industry, it goes unnoticed. Us Rookies were no exception; it seems like just yesterday when we joined the team and knew absolutely nothing about the world of thermal-inkjet printers and traceability codes, and now here we are eight months later. We’ve had the opportunity to see the line of SNEED-JET® coders grow; we’ve witnessed the formation of SNEED-PACK, our line of packaging equipment; we’ve kicked off the “We’re Coding Everywhere” tour, and plenty more. Not only has the company grown, but we can confidently say that we’ve gone from being Rookies to Juniors in the world of coding and marking, so let’s look at our journey so far.  

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Topics: Thermal inkjet, coding and marking, #KeepCodingSimple, SNEED-PACK, We're Coding Everywhere, Manufacturing Industry, Personal Company Best

Expand your coding and marking knowledge with us!

Do you struggle with constant coding and marking equipment failures? 

We will share information and success stories about how you can Keep Coding Simple in order to focus your energy and efforts on strategically growing your business. There will be insights from customers and industry experts on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your complex coding and marking challenges. 

Solutions and applications covered will include:

  • Primary package coding
  • Secondary package coding
  • Handheld coding solutions
  • Printer replacements
  • Porous material coding
  • Non porous material coding

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