
New to inkjet coding, family farm selects SNEED-JET

Posted by Ken Mogensen on May 28, 2019 8:41:00 AM
Ken Mogensen
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This is without question, one of my favorite customer success stories since returning to the industry – quite possibly in my entire career.

Annette Scarborough and her husband, Del, own Twisted Pines Quail Farm, in Wiggins, Mississippi. Over the past couple years, they have experienced incredible growth through retail distribution of their local delicacy, pickled quail eggs. Until this point, they were using a standard price gun used for retail stores to date code jars.

The increase in demand was putting a strain on their current production capacity and Annette knew they had to start streamlining their operation. One of the first processes she wanted to tackle was the way they were date coding. She knew that if she could automate this process they could realize massive productivity and efficiency gains in their operations.

Annette initially looked at our handheld printers, the SNEED-JET Titan T6 and the Reiner jetStamp, but did not feel that they would provide enough efficiency gains to justify the purchase. We then showed her the SNEED-JET Titan system, a fixed position, conveyor mount thermal inkjet coding printer. The problem? They didn’t have a conveyor for the jars to travel past the printer on.

This is when Annette also became one of our first conveyor customers. Until this point, we had only sold one of the electric belt conveyors from our internal print lab. We shared specifications and pictures with her and proposed a turn key date coding solution that included the printer and conveyor.

Annette’s lack of experience with inkjet coding systems – having never worked with any inkjet coding technology – naturally gave her pause. However, her desire to improve her production efficiency overrode her fear as she decided to place the order. After extensive conversations with Bryan and myself, she was confident that with their assistance this was the right solution for their needs.

Once the printer and conveyor were delivered at their facility, Annette had an initial printer introduction call with Charles Collins and a few follow up calls with him and myself to complete the final tune in of the printer. To this day, I will never forget the pure elation in her voice on the phone when I heard her proclaim, “IT’S PRINTING!! IT’S PRINTING! I see the code on the jar!”

This is what we do at Sneed Coding Solutions and we love it! We are on a mission to simplify coding and marking for companies just like Twisted Pines Quail Farm. Are you in a similar position? Do you need to implement or improve your date coding process but don't know where to start? Give us a call and let us help you navigate the complex world of coding and marking technologies. 

Topics: Coding & Marking, Consumer Protection, Inkjet Coding, Brand Protection, Quality Assurance, Traceability, Product Identification, Date coding, Family Business, Success Story, SNEED-JET, SNEED-JET Titan, Titan Coder

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Do you struggle with constant coding and marking equipment failures? 

We will share information and success stories about how you can Keep Coding Simple in order to focus your energy and efforts on strategically growing your business. There will be insights from customers and industry experts on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your complex coding and marking challenges. 

Solutions and applications covered will include:

  • Primary package coding
  • Secondary package coding
  • Handheld coding solutions
  • Printer replacements
  • Porous material coding
  • Non porous material coding

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