Product packaging and coding allows for manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to get all the necessary information about a product. This is one of the many reasons why product and packaging coding matters. For more on this topic and additional reasons behind the importance of coding, read the material provided below.
Topics: Consumer Protection, Food Recall, Inkjet Coding, Quality Assurance, Traceability, Product Identification, Date coding, Label coding, Bottle Coding, Case Coding, Bar code, lot coding, coding and marking
Date coding is a very important element for all products, especially food and drinks. It is not only important because it provides clarity to a product and its manufacture date, but it also provides the correct information regarding the product’s expiration date. Properly and efficiently sharing this information is crucial for all food and beverage businesses to provide safety and security to their consumers.
Topics: Inkjet Coding, Date coding, Bottle Coding, inkjet coder, lot coding, coding and marking
CBD is a new and ever-evolving industry, so it can present many struggles for the businesses selling CBD products to work through. One of these problems is the labeling for products. The lack of regulations combined with the newness of the industry leaves much uncertainty when it comes to labeling. Luckily for you, we have some basic labeling requirements for CBD products that could help.
Topics: Inkjet Coding, Traceability, Date coding, Thermal inkjet, lot coding, CBD, Cannabis
Benefits of Automated Coding in the Meat Packing Industry
As the meat packing industry continues to grow and expand, so does the use for automated equipment systems in their production lines. Not only are companies trying to automate as much as possible, but they’re trying to keep up with all the changing product coding requirements as well. One way some companies are changing up their coding systems is with automated coding. For a deeper look at automated industrial inkjet printers and the benefits of automated coding in the meat packing industry, read here.
Topics: Inkjet Coding, Date coding, Thermal inkjet, Box Coding, lot coding