Imagine a world without bar codes: there would be no way to track products or easily do inventory. That chaos you’re imagining is exactly what caused two inventors to design the bar code. For a quick glimpse into the brief history of the bar code, continue reading below.
Topics: Consumer Protection, Traceability, Product Identification, Box Coder, Case Coding, Box Coding, Bar code
How To Choose the Right Date Code Printer for Food Production
As a food production business, there are mandatory elements that must be present in your production line for you to properly produce and package your food products. A date code printer is one of them. However, how do you know which date code printer is the one for the job? Well, you have come to the right place. Below is detailed information regarding exactly how to choose the right date code printer for food production to hopefully help you make the right decision for your production line!
Topics: Coding & Marking, Consumer Protection, Inkjet Coding, Quality Assurance, Traceability, Product Identification, Date coding, Bottle Coding, TIJ, continuous inkjet, CIJ, Case Coder, Box Coder, Case Coding, Box Coding
How a Handheld Printer Can Solve Repackaging Challenges
No matter what business or industry you’re in, you’re going to face challenges. However, there are always things you can do to deal with those challenges. An example of how you can prepare for packaging challenges in particular is buying and using a portable handheld printer. For further explanation on how a portable handheld printer can solve repackaging challenges, continue reading below.
Topics: Coding & Marking, Traceability, Product Identification, Handheld printer, Handheld inkjet, Portable coder, Portable printer, Thermal inkjet, TIJ
The food manufacturing industry is huge! And within the food manufacturing industry comes many elements that allow for the industry to work as smoothly and efficiently as possible. One of the elements that is greatly utilized and extremely important is packaging and date coding. As you can imagine, quality packaging and date coding is essential to the overall quality of the product. In addition, it is also greatly important for the relationship that the company has with the client. Because this is the case, there are certain restrictions, practices, and requirements that businesses in the food industry must follow throughout their production and packaging of the products being sold. For more on food packaging and date coding practices, continue reading the material provided below.
Ink jet coding allows for various information to be printed on a multitude of different surfaces – all depending on what your business needs to create a successful product. There are many different elements to the ink jet coding printers that allow for this to happen successfully and efficiently. One of the elements being the correct ink used for all the projects you print. To ensure this is the case, continue reading below for what to consider when choosing ink jet coding inks.
How To Pick The Best Product Identification Solution
When running production and manufacturing for your business, you need to have a game plan. Step one of that game plan is understanding the requirements and necessities of the code and print application. You want to make sure to choose the correct production identification solution for your manufacturing and production needs. To properly do this, follow the details below regarding how to pick the best product identification solution. You will not be disappointed! Just make sure to carefully identify your needs and consider all elements before moving forward with finding the best product for your production line.
Portable Handheld vs. Conveyor Mount Inkjet Coders
The manufacturing and production of products include a multitude of elements. One of the main elements of this process involves coding or marking your products or packaging with barcodes, numbers, graphics, and logos. Because this is such a large element of the manufacturing and production process, using the correct equipment and inkjet printer is a necessity.
Topics: Date coding, Handheld printer, Handheld inkjet, Handheld coder, Portable coder, Portable printer, Case Coding
Many industrial sectors rely on thermal inkjet printers. It is due to the benefits of thermal inkjet printers that these companies can package and distribute their products in a quick and cost-efficient way. These benefits are addressed below.
Topics: Inkjet Coding, Meenjet, Meenjet MX1 Printer, Meenjet MX1 Coder, Meenjet M6 Printer, Thermal inkjet, TIJ
You always want to make an educated decision, especially when it comes to your business. While there are numerous areas of your business you can better educate yourself on, looking into the industrial aspects of marking and coding might just be beneficial. If you already have printing in your manufacturing or production line and want to make sure you are going about it in the most efficient and successful way, or if you are looking to stop outsourcing and bring this aspect of the business back in-house, you have come to the right place. Here are some inkjet printing basics—specifically continuous inkjet (CIJ) vs. thermal inkjet (TIJ) — to better educate you on the topic.
Topics: Coding & Marking, Domino, Imaje, Inkjet Coding, Meenjet, Meenjet MX1 Printer, Meenjet MX1 Coder, Videojet, Linx, Markem-Imaje, Date coding, Handheld printer, Meenjet M6 Printer, Thermal inkjet, TIJ, continuous inkjet, CIJ, Videojet Excel, Excel printer, Excel 170i
What Are Inkjet Coding Application Requirements?
Looking for just the right way to identify and keep track of your product? You have come to the right place. Application requirements are the specific details around your printing needs that will help you determine the right inkjet coding printer and inks for your operation. Inkjet coding printers provide an efficient and successful way to code your product, no matter what it is. If you want to know more information or just get a better general grasp of what application requirements are, continue reading below.